Monday, September 6, 2010

Simon Peter . . . always wanted to meet this guy.

This is my new friend and brother, Simon (Simon Peter, actually). Simon is from London, England. He came to the States for a visit a year or so ago, came upon hard times, and wound up on the street. He really likes it here and would like to stay. He has heard of Jesus, but doesn't know very much about him. When I told Simon that Jesus knew ALL about him, he was pretty impressed. He said that if God know him, loves him, and is able to change his life into something meaningful and good, he thought he should let Him take over his life...I agreed! I prayed with Simon right there on the street corner and he wasn't one bit ashamed (and neither was I)! What a great encounter. Simon said he would show me around tomorrow and introduce me to some of his friends. Can't wait.

Simon would like prayer that God would help him get a "green card" so he can stay in the US. If God is willing, I would love to see that happen for Simon Peter. With a name like that, who knows how God might use this man!!

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