Monday, September 6, 2010

Antonio: Nuevo hermano en Cristo

The streets were almost deserted today–like it was a holiday or something. As I approached five-points on Main Street, I encountered a middle-aged Hispanic gentleman who appeared to be looking for something. Soon after striking up a conversation with him, it was obvious that, as much as anything, he was looking for a friendly smile and a listening ear.

He told me his name was Antonio and he was from Mexico. He and his brother-in-law had come to the states looking for work. He had been able to get job at Burger King and a one-bedroom apartment on Chapel Hill Road which he and his brother-in-law have been sharing for several months. Antonio lost his job at Burger King a month ago and Rene (his brother-in-law) had gone to eastern North Carolina where he was told he might find work on a farm. He found work, but unfortunately he found something else: trouble.

Antonio started to cry as he told me how Rene was a nice person until he started drinking, then he lost his head. He wasn’t sure what charges his brother-in-law was facing and had no idea how the legal system worked. I invited him to come and take a seat with me on a nearby bench. I made a few calls for him and got details about the charges, the court dates, and the times Antonio could go and visit.

“Why are you doing this for me?” he asked. And I simply explained to him that God had brought me there at that very moment because He loved him and knew he needed a friend. He looked a little puzzled, then he literally laid his head on my shoulder. I said, “You have no idea how much God loves you, Antonio, and how close He wants to be to you.” I asked if I could pray with him and he immediately took off his cap and bowed his head. I prayed that God would grant his peace and give him direction for his life. I led him in a prayer to give himself over to God’s control and he freely prayed after me.

After spending more than half-an-hour with Antonio, I said goodbye, gave him my cell phone number, and assured him that I would see him again. He seemed reluctant to say goodbye and I asked him if he wanted to walk with me for a while; so I had a partner as I made my rounds through the downtown streets. I had the privilege of introducing Antonio to several of my new brothers before taking him home. On the way to his apartment, I phoned my friend, Mainor, and put Antonio on the line. Mainor welcomed him to the family and encouraged him in his faith. I also hooked him up with Jerry Leon who will be encouraging him as well.

Pray for Antonio, that he will grow strong in his new walk of faith and for Rene, that he will find Christ and his life will be transformed. I am looking for someone in or near Columbus County (Whiteville), NC, who knows the Lord and speaks Spanish to visit Rene and share the Lord with him. Any leads would be appreciated.

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