Thursday, August 26, 2010

Turnaround Day for Jimmy

When I saw this burly middle-aged gentleman crossing the street, my heart was drawn to him. He had a worried look on his face and seemed to be in physical pain as well. As he reached the curb, I approached him and simply asked if he had been to breakfast. He answered me that, not only had he not eaten breakfast, he had...n’t eaten anything for 2 or 3 days. When I asked him if he was ready for some food, he assured me that he was. We went to a nearby McDonalds and I told him to order anything he wanted and breakfast was on me. “Anything?” he asked. “Anything.” So he proceeded to order 6 (six!) breakfast burritos, 2 large orange juices, and a strawberry shake. Do you think I’m kidding? And the amazing thing is how quickly he consumed all that food. With his stomach full, he told me his story.

Jimmy was born in Queens, NY, where he lived about half his life. He told me that he had suffered abuse for as long as he could remember. He has no connection with his family and the only reference he could make to them was to curse them for the pain they had caused in his life. He went on to tell me of fights he had been in, assaults he had suffered, and the bitterness that filled his soul. Jimmy said, “I am so full of rage and bitterness, I don’t think I can live. I am a heart attack waiting to happen, he said,”
I said to him, “Jimmy, I want to help you. I can help you with some food and clothes, and maybe help you find a place to sleep for a few nights. But there is one who can turn your life around today. He can heal you on the inside, take out the bitterness, forgive your sins, and give you peace.” Jimmy said, “Nobody can do that.” but I assured him that God could do all that and more.

While we sat at the table talking, I got a couple phone calls, one from two brothers who were having breakfast together in another place, and I asked them to agree together with me in prayer for Jimmy. Another call came from my friend, Ron, who was within a few blocks and I invited Ron to join Jimmy and me at McDonalds. When Ron arrived, he began to share his testimony with Jimmy–how God has delivered him from near death and redeemed his life from destruction. We prayed with Jimmy several times regarding the various needs in his life, then Jimmy agreed to pray. He confessed Jesus as his love and cried out to Him for help. For the first time since our encounter, I saw Jimmy smile and heard him say, “I believe God has heard my prayer.”

We took Jimmy to Urban Ministries to get some help from them and promised to meet him back with a change of clothes and some shoes. I believe this is a turn-around day in Jimmy’s life. Put him on your prayer list and let’s believe for a miracle!

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